My parents live in Delaware and for about 30 years my mother (with Dad's help) has created an oasis in their yard. She LOVES gardening, it's her joy, her therapy and her creative outlet. Being 84 doesn't stop her from spending hours a day moving stones, digging up weeds, pruning, etc. We do try and keep her off ladders but she is very sneaky 🤣. She talks to her plants on occasion (probably where I got it from) and feels that time stops and she becomes part of her garden when she's working. As she put it, "When I'm in the garden, it's like I'm part of it, not separate from it." It's a beautiful thing to behold how the garden is such a source of joy and healing for her. I love gardening too especially this time of year.
We worked together doing some spring planting and cleanup in her yard. I helped my Dad resurrect a Kwanzan cherry that had been felled by another tree but was still alive. We used pulley systems and our muscles and managed to get it upright - hopefully, it will live. I also visited an incredible nursery by them, 20 greenhouses of plants 🙀. I was in heaven. I packed my car with plants from there and we also dug some plants from Mom's garden for me to take home. I love that I have the same plants from her house. I'm very grateful to have them both in good health and I know that's at least partly from being so active in the garden.
Sitting on their sun porch painting is one of my favorite places, I've even filmed a class or two there! I brought lots of supplies and spread out all over the room. Here are pics of the long weekend visit.
I'm heading to Portugal soon for an art and class inspiration trip! So my next newsletter will have all that yumminess. I'll post pics on my IG stories too. Thanks so much for being along with me on this journey, your notes about how you are creating and enjoying the newsletter warm my heart!
With love, Suzanne

I love the sentiment. I remember my mother always was playing around the yard, planting flowers and sharing them with other. Great memories made in the garden!